恐龍的皮The Dinosaur’s Skin 2021 專場《THE EXTINCTION(THE滅絕)》

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Event Time /

2021/11/14(Sun) 20:00(+0800)

Event Location /

The Wall Live House (116台北市文山區羅斯福路四段200號B1)

Event Tickets /

  • 預售票

    (2021/10/18 12:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/14 00:00(+0800))
    TWD$500 End of Sale
  • 現場票

    (2021/11/14 19:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/14 20:00(+0800))
    TWD$600 End of Sale

Entry Info /

全區無劃位,將依當日排隊順序依序進場。 為實施實名制,請確實填寫入場者資訊。

More Info /

【退換票辦法】 退票時將酌收 10% 手續費、且活動前十天內(不含活動日)不予退票。















*結合末日電影ㄍ片的演唱會,可現場親身體驗,也可線上直播觀看!歡迎闔家前往 or 在家觀賞!






The emergency siren went off.

“What should we do?” Tri looked at Trex helplessly, both of them are in total shock.

“I mean look at the size of that thing! I know it’s meant to wipe us out and all that but DAMN that is one big m-“

But the asteroid didn’t give her a chance to finish, at the speed of 5487 km per second, it is getting dangerously close to the spaceship.

That’s when it happened.

A burst of light lit up the empty void, and amidst the fear and despair something incredible unveiled before their eyes…


An epic saga for the ages, coming soon! After an entire year living amongst humans, The Dinosaur’s Skin discovered a time portal in the streets of Taipei. A wormhole, a gateway, a path to prehistoric times and a chance to change everything.

The ultimate mission. What perils will they face? Will they pull it off?

*Live concert alert! Experience the show live or watch it unfold online, tickets available for both! See you there!



恐龍的皮The Dinosaur’s Skin 簡介(前情提要):


現代社會生存不易,二龍為了抒發恐龍滅絕的哀傷開始寫歌。寫下好友們死去的孤獨、緬懷恐龍時代快樂的時光、與淒美的跨時空之戀......也期望藉由寫歌,尋找世界上其他的恐龍同伴們。音樂風格結合indie pop、indie rock、dream pop、lofi pop,在一些人類好友的幫助之下,2021年6月出了第一張EP《Millions of Years Apart》,其中同名單曲 “Millions of Years Apart” 入圍金音獎最佳另類流行歌曲。


About The Dinosaur’s Skin:

A Jurassic-Pop duo from prehistoric times, members Trex and Tri found themselves in the streets of modern day Taipei after fleeing from the devastation of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 millions years ago.

To mourn for the losses of their deceased friends and to tell the stories of the good old days, they started writing and performing music as a way of coping with modern life. By spreading the tales of the dinosaurs, they hope to one day find other survivors of their kind. In June 2021, with the help of many good human beings, The Dinosaur’s Skin released their first EP 《Millions of Years Apart》which was nominated for the Golden Indie Music Award for best alternative pop song.






  1. 場館第一線服務人員值勤全面佩戴口罩。
  2. 落實個人衛生防護:入場請務必自行準備及全程佩戴口罩、若耳溫複測超過38度不得入場、入口皆提供酒精消毒用品。
  3. 配合臺北市政府使用實聯(名)制登記入場,或攜帶身分證核實購票資訊後入場(二擇一),請大家共同配合辦理。
  4. 開演前及散場時維持室內外適當社交距離。
  5. 欣賞演出之觀眾,除補充水分外禁止飲食。
  6. 觀眾如有感冒、發燒、咳嗽或身體不適請佩戴口罩,儘快就醫並做好個人防護措施。
  7. 防疫期間將依中央流行疫情指揮中心及臺北市政府各項防疫防護指引,館方將進行不同階段管制措施,敬請大家共同配合。